Needless to say, the ad industry is a great example of a place where the Long Tail has played out with surprisingly powerful effect. Google, for instance, found both the Long Tail of advertisers (individuals and small businesses who were far below the radar of any ad sales force) and potentially ad-selling publishers (from blogs and other microsites to larger content creators with unsold space). With an average of just a few cents per click for keywords and a self-service model, Google proved that there was big money to be made in a lot of small sales.
Or to put it another way: A small number times a very big number equals a big number.
Seems like the big winners in a long tail world are the long tail aggregators, such as Google.
Posted by: Daryl | December 24, 2004 at 09:42 AM
Its really great to read someone who has obviously been inspired and fascinated by a topic. I look forward to reading the final product.
Any advice for someone trying to get a book published (someone who doesn't run a widely syndicated magazine)?
Posted by: Charlie O'Donnell | December 27, 2004 at 10:32 AM
Any chance you could post the list or give us a link to it? I'd love to read the articles (I've already read yours of course). I tried to find it on adage.com but had no luck.
Posted by: Nick | December 30, 2004 at 12:15 PM
Great post.I must say this is an excellent topic.I also enjoyed to read this post.Thanks.
Posted by: christmas gifts | November 19, 2009 at 08:36 PM